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Meet our staff

Dr. Dermot Shearer (GP Partner), Dr. Cara Lonergan (GP Partner), Dr. Yvonne Callan (GP Partner), Dr. Lorraine O'Keefe and Dr. Victoria Heffron (GP Registrar) are the doctors at our practice.


Our Nurse Ms. Mary Boland is available weekly: 


Mon-Fri: 9 - 12

Tues & Thurs: 14.30 - 16:45


Our friendly reception staff Ms. Michelle Gibney, Aislinn Birchall, Anne Sheehan and Ms. Paula Walsh are always at hand to arrange your appointments or answer your queries.

Our doctors providing you with the best care

Dr. Yvonne Callan

Graduated from UCD

MB, BCh, BAO, 1998



  • MRCGP (Membership to the Royal College of General Practitioners)

  • DRCO (Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists)

  • DFFP(Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care)

  •  JCPTGP (Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice)

Dr. Cara Lonergan

Graduated from UCD

MB BCH BAO, 1995



  • MICGP First Class Honours 

       (Membership of Irish College

       of General Practitioners)

  • DME (Diploma in Medicine of the Elderly)

  • DCH (Diploma in Child Health)

  • Certificate in Family Planning

Dr. Dermot Shearer

Graduated from TCD

MB, BCh, BA, BAO, 1997



  • MRCGP (Member to the Royal College of General Practitioners)

  • MICGP (Member of Irish College General Practitioners) 

  • DCH (Diploma in Child Health, Royal College Surgeons Ireland)

  • DME (Diploma in Medicine of the Elderly, Royal College Physicians Ireland)


We have been and will be running Covid Booster Vaccine clinics

Our next Covid Booster Clinic will be 13/01/2022

Also there are appointments free at HSE Vaccine Centres -> Book here

Also the HSE is running walk-in clinics at Punchestown without appointment on 22/12/21 & 24/12/21

Remember many pharmacies are also providing Booster Vaccines

Please email rather than telephone reception if looking for Booster Vaccine appointment


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